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Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets.
A 1960's sci-fi action adventure series set in the 23rd century based around the crew of the USS Enterprise, representing the United Federation of Planets (including earth) on a five-year mission in outer space to explore new worlds, seek new life and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before. The Enterprise is commanded by handsome and brash Captain James Tiberius "Jim" Kirk. Kirk's two best friends are Commander Spock (last name unpronounceable to humans) the ship's half-human/half-Vulcan Science Officer and First/Executive Officer (i.e. second-in-command) from the planet Vulcan, and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy. They along with a crew of approximately 430, including helmsman Lieutenant Hikaru Kato Sulu, navigator Ensign Pavel Andreievich Chekov, Officer Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, and chief engineer Lieutenant Commander Christopher Jorgensen "Scotty" Scott – confront strange alien races, friendly and hostile alike, as they explore unknown worlds. the Enterprise battles aliens, megalomaniac computers, time paradoxes, psychotic murderers, and even Khan. The series is known for looking at then (1960's) hot topics such as Sex, War, God, Religion, Politics and Racism and other things that make up the human condition through a lens of the future. The 80 episode TV series which was produced from 1966 to 1969 has now cult characters and has fans all over the world.
As a young 6 year old boy, I was intrigued and fascinated with the special effects and epic dramatic fashion this movie presented. I was an instant fan and captured a filmmaking bug that also translated into photography and radio production. I not only became a fan of the Star Wars franchise, but as I got oder, grew more and more interested in the mind and imagination of George Lucas. I also saw growth of the acting career of Harrison Ford, who became one of my all-time favorite actors. Although there are many loyal fans of Star Wars who detest Star Trek, as I was when I was young, I grow an appreciation for the ground breaking steps the Star Trek TV Series took to inspire directors like George Lucas. I can honestly say that without Star Trek, there is no Star Wars.
I grew up with this show, and watched it religiously. Why? Because there was nothing else like it on. Everything else was a western, or family/single-woman sitcom, with the odd gameshow sprinkled in here and there.<br/><br/>Trek was about visiting far off worlds, meeting dangers, challenging perspectives on what truly ailed society and so forth. And there in lies the real rub of this TV drama. It took a psychological perspective on social problems, but also adhered to a societal norm. It commented on everything: From sex, to religion, to politics to whatever social ill or contrivance you can think of, and did so in a dramatic vein. All the while other shows just told stories, sometimes about crime, other times about broken hearts. But rarely, if ever, about what plagued mankind.<br/><br/>There was a sense of right and wrong here, but placed mostly in the context of a psychological dilemma. From the Roman Empire, to the Squire of Gothos, to the Doomsday Machine, to reptilian instincts via the Gorn captain in Arena, to a plethora of other settings meant to be as analogs for real social problems.<br/><br/>And this is where one might find a shift in emphasis in television shows. From here shows no longer focused on merely solving crimes, nor addressing bad circumstances, but actually getting into the heads of people, and trying to determine why it is they did what they did. Of course today there&#39;s a virtual explosion of &quot;mental health&quot;/psychological media permeating the airwaves. So much that one is hard pressed to find a show that doesn&#39;t show a wrong as being the product of a mental ailment. That, as opposed to the old fashioned white hats verse black hats. 1960&#39;s flavored Star Trek had both.<br/><br/>That last sentence is Trek&#39;s saving grace, for all of the psychological veils masked by drama and special effects, there was a sense that one could not cross a certain line and get away with it. If the Klingons attacked, then Kirk responded. If a monster killed people, then Kirk and crew were going to take care of it, regardless of what the creatures motivations were (save for the most severe of circumstances).<br/><br/>In this sense Star Trek was a social show meant to show society how things might be better by looking at what really created malcontent among society. It couldn&#39;t always answer the questions put to the audience, but it did offer some avenues to explore.<br/><br/>Kirk was the super-ego, negotiating his two halves; McCoy his &quot;ID&quot; and Spock his &quot;logical&quot; side. Other characters in supporting roles helped this science fiction version of the holy-trinity by offering avenues to carry out instructions received by either (usually Kirk) facet of command-thinking, all the while the Starship Enterprise itself represented the body and spirit of the people for whom the show was tailored as those commands were carried out to guide her.<br/><br/>Even now knowing what I do, and having been through the experiences that I have, I can still appreciate this show for what it is. But I now wonder if perhaps the creative powers such as those that brought Trek into being might not have too much power these days, and perhaps abused it with all of the horrendous programming that now permeates the airwaves.<br/><br/>In any case, watch it, enjoy it, and love it.<br/><br/>Live long and prosper.

The Vulcan hand salute was improvised by Nimoy on the set of &quot;Amok Time.&quot; As a child, his religious Jewish parents often took Nimoy to the local synagogue where he had seen people making this hand gesture while saying prayers–a handsign done with both hands by the descendants of Aaron (called cohen, plural cohanim) when the congregation of a Jewish synagogue is being blessed with the &quot;May the Lord bless you and keep you.&quot; This inspired Nimoy to create the Vulcan hand salute. It takes place in the 23rd Century, the original pilot episode titled &quot;The Cage&quot; takes place in 2254 A.D. while the rest of the series takes place from the years 2266-2269 A.D. The &quot;T&quot; stands for Tiberius therefore his full name is James Tiberius Kirk. Yes and according to the late Gene Roddenberry, in 1966 before the second Star Trek pilot, Where No Man Has Gone Before had aired. Network executives were concerned about Spock having pointy ears because the shape made him appear to look &quot;too diabolical and Satanic looking.&quot; And along with their other request that the Enterprise not have a woman as second in command. And at the time actress Majel Barrett was dating Mr. Roddenberry so he was able to work out a comprise much to everybody&#39;s satisfaction. He said, &quot;so I married the woman and kept the alien because I could not have done it the other way around.&quot; He worked in summer stock theater. In 1969 after learning of ST Trek: TOS&#39;s cancellation, Shatner was in somewhat of a dire financial situation due to his then wife&#39;s filing for divorce and being suddenly unemployed. He contacted his agent who got him work in summer stock theater for the next few months and he bought a used pickup truck with camper shell attached. The sudden reality of no income, bills, his impending divorce and being low on funds made him realize that he couldn&#39;t afford even economy style motels while working. He then set off driving to each and every location to work as a cast member in Some Like It Hot and the truck with camper shell actually paid off in the long run. He lived this way from memorial day weekend up through labor day weekend that year when his summer job ended. And from then on William Shatner was able to keep busy as an actor working steadily in various prime time television shows which paid well and he was able to stay afloat financially.
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